Go Far Beyond for Indonesia, to drive Indonesia’s Economic, Social, and Environment go beyond

Bank OCBC's dedication, which is loyal to be the Nation's trusted companion journey in improving quality of life, to drive Indonesia to Go Far Beyond. Attuned to its vision "Become a trusted partner to enrich quality of life", Bank OCBC encourage Indonesian to inspire and empower each other by taking a more prominent role, together as the agent of change with #TAYTB Spirit advancing Indonesia.

Collaboration by prioritizing equal principles with all stakeholders

Sustainable in providing benefits for stakeholders in both short and long terms periods.

Added value by prioritizing people empowerment to create independence.

Active with employee’s involvement in every CSR programs.

Education – Bank’s commitment to make the people more financially literate to gain financial freedom and contributes more the Nation’s financial growth

Health and Environtment - Bank’s commitment to improve people’s quality of life in social, health, and environment.

Kemanusiaan – Bank’s commitment to support natural disaster’s victims.

Education - #DiskusiON

Bank OCBC committed to continuously inspire and empower wider community thus they could achieve their financial freedom and contribute more to Nation’s economic growth and quality.

We present Financial EducatiON as a medium to assists the people deepen their financial knowledges in a more edgy and convenience ways. Hereinafter, #ONPreneuership and WTalks are dedicated to improve people’s knowledge in terms of entrepreneurship. Last but not least, we also channelling scholarships for students.

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Through #ONSociety program, the Bank focuses in ‘village role strengthening’ to support Nation’s development through series of community skills’ development program and build environmentally friendly infrastructure.

Furthermore, we also actively support the environmental footprint management movement by inviting employees to raise awareness and concern for the environment.

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We took an active role and directly involve in providing social support and recovery programs in response to natural disasters. We have a Berbagi Kasih program which has become an annual agenda. As well as social support ranging from the construction of public facilities at the disaster site to the distribution of basic food packages and PPE assistance to communities affected by the pandemic.

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We believe, "employee involvement" plays an important role in improving people’s quality of life through CSR activities. Therefore, we formed #ONVolunteer as a medium for every employee to be actively involved in every CSR activity.

Program CSR Terkini


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