Bank OCBC NISP highlights the steps to plan strategies, build innovations, and expand businesses

21 Mar 2023

Jakarta, 21 March 2023 – Bank OCBC NISP held OCBC NISP Business Forum 2023 to provide insights, ideas, and views on the Indonesian and global economy to Corporate, Private, and Premier Banking customers. This forum aims to broaden the audiences’ horizons and become the aspirations for the general public regarding all aspects related to business, economics, and banking.

This year, Bank OCBC NISP raised a topic that is timely and relevant to the situation that is faced by the country. This topic is in line with the national economy which continues to show resilience and is recovering more quickly and evenly across all sectors. This is also reflected by the data from the Central Statistics Agency (Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS) which stated that in 2022 Indonesia experienced economic growth of 5.3% YoY.

However, anticipating challenges and uncertainties should be a priority for all business stakeholders, in order to maintain and strengthen the momentum of economic recovery. Therefore, unlocking business potentials would be one of the keys to bring Indonesia to level up. This is in line with the government's vision to build a more developed, sovereign, and prosperous country, as stated in Indonesia Emas 2045 vision.

Parwati Surjaudaja, Presiden Direktur Bank OCBC NISP said, “As a bank that has been able to stand strong for more than 81 years with sustainable performance, we see all challenges as opportunities to move forward. The Bank’s role in realising the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045 should go beyond traditional banking. Innovation and banking services will always be inclusive and open opportunities for anyone, anytime and anywhere.”

About OCBC Business Forum 2023
The OCBC NISP Business Forum event invited more than 500 customers consisting of corporate CEOs, entrepreneurs from Premier and Private Banking. Apart from that, practitioners and observers in the fields of economics, politics and financial industry were also present as speakers at this forum, to enhance the financial literacy of the participants, as well as to participate in promoting the sustainable future development. Bank OCBC NISP hopes that various panel sessions in the event can provide inspiration by utilizing the momentum of economic recovery to formulate business strategies, build innovation, and develop businesses, to bring Indonesia to level up.

This event was attended by Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Suahasil Nazara and several other ministerial ranks, such as the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Parekraf), Sandiaga Uno virtually; and the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Menkop UKM), Teten Masduki.

"The Synergy from all stakeholders including banking and business stakeholders is needed to support a more progressive and resilient Indonesia. Hopefully, the OCBC NISP Business Forum 2023 can help business stakeholders to be able to map out business strategies amidst the nation's economic growth," concluded Parwati.

Overview of Bank OCBC NISP
Bank OCBC NISP was established in Bandung in 1941 under the name Nederlandsch Indische Spaar en Deposito Bank. As of 31 December 2022, Bank OCBC NISP serves customers through 200 office networks in 54 cities in Indonesia. Furthermore, customers could conduct transaction through the Bank's 496 ATM, more than 98,000 ATM networks in Indonesia, and connected to more than 600 OCBC Group ATM networks in Singapore and Malaysia. Bank OCBC NISP also serves customers through various digital channels, including mobile banking and internet banking – both for individuals and corporations. Bank OCBC NISP is one of the banks with the highest credit ratings in Indonesia, namely idAAA (stable) from PEFINDO and AAA(idn)/stable from PT Fitch Ratings Indonesia.

Brand & Communication Division, Bank OCBC NISP
OCBC NISP Tower, Jl Prof Dr Satrio Kav 25, Jakarta 12940
Tel: 021- 25533888; Fax: 021-57944000
Website :

Aleta Hanafi
Division Head,
Mobile: 62-8119860068
Chandra Novita
Mobile: 62-8111071069
Nadya Maharani

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